Practical applications and success stories

Mastering challenges together

We want to surprise and inspire you with fresh and innovative product ideas and solutions. For us, inspiring also means courageously turning fresh ideas into active actions. Together with our customers, we quickly and systematically implement new approaches, test them and bring them to market. Here we present some examples of successful practical applications.

CNC STENLY & VRC Nářadí: Support during the entire manufacturing process
Since 2020, the Slovakian manufacturing company CNC Stenly s.r.o. has been purchasing various FORMAT products from the dealer VRC Nářadí. The advantage here is that the company receives all the necessary tools from a single source. It uses these for its entire manufacturing process.   
How FORMAT products secure the mountains of Slovakia
A customer of our dealer AG Náradie s.r.o. from Slovakia relies on the quality of FORMAT products. They install snow nets as avalanche protection systems.
De Cromvoirtse & De Bruin Techniek: Quality in every detail
Founded in 1982, De Cromvoirtse is one of the most innovative metal processors in the Netherlands and for that an important and reliable partner to the country's metalworking industry.  
Duotank & De Bruin Techniek: optimum tool supply for tank systems
Since 1985, Duotank has been designing, developing, manufacturing and installing beer tank systems that deliver optimal results for brewers around the world.
ETT BASIC vending machine
Simply, directly and flexibly satisfy individual needs on site - without complex processes, lengthy waiting times and high investments.
Sesam Box
The SESAM Box offers flexible solutions for contactless goods delivery and collection at own or third-party locations for permanent and easy provision of tools and work utensils.