The FORMAT rolling workbench – ‘Changed design with unchanged quality’


Our FORMAT products are used by professionals for a wide range of industrial production processes. They are also used in the automotive industry, among others. Our FORMAT rolling workbench, in particular, is a loyal companion and has been used by one of our end customers for over 15 years: ‘The well-made, robust rolling workbench has simply remained indestructible and is still fit for use today.’ The customer stores all – hand and power tools- in the corresponding FORMAT tool modules in the rolling workbench.

The customer has been supplied by the FORMAT dealer Ditzinger Polska for over 17 years. This long-standing cooperation is characterised by mutual trust and comprehensive support, says Dorota Cziber, CEO of Ditzinger. In addition to tools, the company has been supplying its customers with machine spare parts, factory equipment, CNC machines and industrial chemicals for over 20 years. More than 11.000 FORMAT articles are offered among the 32.000 items in total. However, the focus here is also on providing customers with technical advice.

We are delighted to have Ditzinger as a reliable business partner at our side.

You can purchase our FORMAT products directly from the Ditzinger online shop:

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