Interview a BTS Interview
BTS Company is a wholesale company selling cuttig tools and CNC machines. The headquarters of the company is in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The BTS group also consists of a branch in Maribor and subsidiaries in Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia. BTS represents and distributes many world-renowned manufacturers of quality tools, including the FORMAT brand. They also sell CNC machines and the appropriate accessories from various well-known manufacturers. In addition to the sale of machines, they also carry out the installation and maintenance of machines and the training of machine operators.
FORMAT Europe:
- Hello Mr. Miran Puc
We are here in Ljubljana, at the headquarter of BTS Company, our exclusive partner for the distribution of the FORMAT brand in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia. Thank you for todays chance to get in touch with one of our most professional partners! Tell us a little bit about your role inside BTS Company.
BTS Company:
In BTS Company, I work as a tool department manager. The work involves managing a group of 20 commercialists. I also take care for our major brands of cutting tools. I have daily correspondence with these suppliers. I also take care of sales and commercial agreements with customers. My work is also related to the tool purchasing department. We coordinate individual projects for customers with the machinery and technology department.
FORMAT Europe:
- You have been working for more than 30 years for BTS Company. What do you like most about your job?
BTS Company:
The work is very dynamic. We follow the development of many manufacturers from Japan, Europe and Korea. When a manufacturer introduces a new product, we want to test the tool at the customer’s place as soon as possible. Our goal is to improve the customer’s production process and make cost savings. By supplying high-performance tools and modern machines, we can improve the competitive position of the customer. We thereby contribute to the technological development of our society.
FORMAT Europe:
- What is your company’s core competency/focus?
BTS Company:
At BTS Company, the main focus is on meeting the needs of our customers, who are mostly from the metal processing industry. We want to supply customers with the best tools for their production. Our sales representatives visit customers every day and test new tools. With the new tool, customers will achieve better results and lower costs. Through many years of effort, we have built trust with our customers. Customers know that we will take care of their needs. That is why we are their reliable partner.
FORMAT Europe:
- What does your company do particularly well and why are those specialties?
BTS Company:
We want to offer customers the best solution for their production. We have 20 technologists who connect with customers on a daily basis and find the best solutions for their production. We calculate processing time and processing costs for the customer. With this calculation, we show the customer that it is always the most profitable to use a high-performance tool. With a high-performance tool, we achieve the shortest production time. This means savings in machining time or hours. The cost of the working hours of the machine is always the biggest cost. A high-quality tool also has the longest lifetime. It also ensures stable processing. With quality tools, we achieve the lowest processing cost per workpiece.
Another advantage of the BTS Company is the so-called „complete solution”. We have the most comprehensive selection of tools and CNC machines. We can offer the customer a turnkey project. We select a tool, a CNC machine tool and a robot for automation. We make a technological process. We also construct a clamping device. Then we make a prototype and take measurements on the workpiece. Then we deliver the machine to the customer and assemble the machine. We also train machine operators. We have a well-equipped machine maintenance service.
FORMAT Europe:
- The FORMAT brand is very present in your company. What makes the FORMAT brand so special for you?
BTS Company:
We have been working with the FORMAT brand for 25 years. At BTS Company, we appreciate the very large selection of tools and the good relationship between the price and quality of the tools.
We are satisfied with the extensive stock in the eLC warehouse. FORMAT delivers most items to us within a short time. Once an order has been placed, the tools reach us in just 24 or 48 hours. We utilise the service of fast direct delivery to the customer. Fast deliveries and good prices are also offered by local competitors, so BTS must offer the same service, and we can guarantee this with FORMAT.
FORMAT Europe:
- You look back on a long history with the FORMAT brand, what was your favorite moment?
BTS Company:
The FORMAT brand is often associated with the FORMAT tool catalog. This catalog is also known and popular among our customers. That’s why we always expect the release of a new catalog. We are mainly interested in which new products will be in the catalog.
FORMAT Europe:
- Last but not least, what can we expect from BTS in 2024. How can interested customers come in touch with BTS Company & FORMAT?
BTS Company:
The Format tools are included in all our sales channels. We promote the FORMAT catalog to customers. We also distribute catalogs free of charge to key people at customers. We also have a catalog in the form of an online catalog that allows you to search for products and share them with other people. The online catalog also has links to the B2B online store. All FORMAT items are included in the B2B web shop. The customer receives a commercial discount, which depends on the group of products and the customer’s purchasing potential.
FORMAT Europe:
That’s it, many thanks for the interview! Thank you again for your time and the insights about BTS Company.
BTS Company:
We are pleased to have the FORMAT brand in our range. The customer gets a large selection of tools, good prices for good quality, comprehensive product information and fast delivery. With the FORMAT brand, we are competitive with other local dealers.